Get AI Working For You

by | Feb 10, 2023

Just because AI can rapidly pump out content far faster than we ever could, it doesn’t mean it’s all over for us mere mortals.

Sure, it should concern you. If you think you can pretend this technology doesn’t exist or have some ethical reasoning for refusing to use it and still lead the way in whatever field of work you operate in, then you are mistaken. You’ll get shuffled to the bottom of the stack pretty darn quickly.

But it doesn’t need to be that way. I’m concerned about where this inevitably all ends, but I’m also aware that getting left behind and becoming poor and unable to feed my family isn’t a rational approach.

Let me begin with this……

We’re in a race to develop an intelligence that surpasses our own, a quest to create something inhuman that outperforms humans. This puts our jobs at risk and eliminates society’s need for our labor.

Many people will argue that this is a good thing. They’ll say that instead of working in jobs we don’t enjoy, we’ll have more time for ourselves and our families. “Let the robots handle it!” they’ll say. “You’ll have more quality time with your loved ones.” But is that really how things will turn out?

Of course not. Someone has to build this intelligence, and it won’t be free. But more importantly, can freedom truly exist in such a world? Unfortunately, the answer is no, and this is something they won’t even try to deny.

The price you pay for a life without work and more free time is your freedom. Society will be restructured, and it will resemble a utopian prison, like the Venus Project.

Given all this, it’s tempting to say, “I refuse to have anything to do with it.” It’s easy to follow a moral code and ignore the flood of AI-based technologies that are taking over the market. I completely understand this point of view, and I can’t blame anyone for it. However, it won’t change anything. Unless you disconnect from your smartphone, avoid shopping and travel, and hide in the middle of the forest in central Africa for the rest of your life, you’ll still be a part of the technology as a commodity. AI will transform everything from how we search on Google to where we shop, which movies we watch, and where we go on vacation. AI will play a role in almost every aspect of our current societal structure.

So, as tempting as it may be to ignore everything and refuse to participate in this potentially self-destructive technology, it won’t make a difference. This isn’t about AI being inherently bad; it’s about a small group of bad people with ill intentions towards their fellow human beings, and a larger group of people willing to do their bidding because they’re blinded by money or their fascination with technology. These two groups of people are the real problem.

So, now we need to ask ourselves, what can we do about it?

Well, it’s crystal clear that hiding away and pretending that the AI revolution isn’t happening won’t do anything to help us. In fact, it’ll only put you and your future offspring at a disadvantage when it comes to survival. While it might seem tempting to lose touch with the rest of society, it’s not a sustainable option for most of us. Eventually, you’ll be forced back into the world, and it will be a world that’s far removed from the reality you once knew.

So, instead of hiding away, we play the game. When these new technologies hit the market, we position ourselves at the forefront. We use them to help us build towards something great. We play the game so well that some may even mistake us for advocates of AI.

But in reality, our trajectory is different. We don’t want to rule over others, nor do we want to be ruled over. What we do want is for humanity to thrive and prosper. We want to spread compassion and empathy like a virus throughout society. And if AI can help us achieve that, then count us in.

Expression Amplifier

There are those of us who are masters at expressing ourselves, and those that are, well, not so much.

Those that can express exactly what they mean in a way that will be most openly absorbed by their audience have a massive advantage over everyone else. You see, how one needs to express a thought, idea or desire is determined by who it is that is listening. Getting it right can be the difference between getting hired or getting fired.

Artificial Intelligence can help us to fine tune our language to best suit the task in hand and the audience to which it will be delivered.

Tools like ChatGPT can help us to generate content based around our own thoughts and ideas.

Of course, as more and more people begin using these tools to help them express themselves, the faster the expectations of how language should be expressed will evolve. It may be that the perfectly strung together piece of English text becomes so commonplace, that it begins to be associated with AI language models, rather than human language. But as language evolves, so will AI and so will we.

The use of AI as an expression amplifier is particularly useful if you are leveraging your online presence to generate income. With social media quickly growing to become the most influential place to generate sales and attention, what and how frequently you post is becoming ever more important if you want to succeed.

Tools like CopyAI which utilise the ChatGPT 3 language model have a range of tools for just this. It can generate ideas for your next post, it can rewrite entire blogs, it can simplify complex sentences or even generate viral ideas for a youtube video.

With Google’s SEO algorithms becoming less about keywords, and more about clear, precise and frequent content, tools like allow you to stay ahead of the game giving you the ability to produce more high quality content for your website than ever before.

The only thing I would say is this, don’t be tempted to simply use these tools on their own. They are great for ideas, expanding on existing ideas, rewriting sentences and even generating entire blog posts – but, people want a piece of you, they don’t want emotionless content coming out of a lifeless AI neural network. By all means use the tools, but use them as a starting point. Anything you generate by AI should be carefully read through and edited appropriately.

The Power of One

Just two decades ago it would have seemed unimaginable that one person could set up a webserver, create a website, write daily content, build an email subscriber list, write newsletters, advertise and market their website all on their own. These days however, a few clicks and you have a fully functional server and website ready to go. A few minutes later you can have a mailing list setup ready to accept subscribers. 

Our productivity has continued to scale thanks to continual improvements to web standards, Open Source CRM platforms like WordPress and a range of smart SaaS tools that are making the once cumbersome tasks of the past as easy as abc. But where this productivity growth has fallen behind is in the content creation area. An article needs input, it needs ideas and someone’s time to write about these ideas – up until now that is.

AI text to language models have just enabled a one man band to generate vast amounts of content for their website, literally scaling their content productivity by as much as 10000%. 

How much these language models can scale your productivity will depend on what type of content you produce. For example, if it is information content for a blog on a website which is offering services it can increase your productivity massively. Blogs like these are specifically designed to simply increase exposure and thus rankings on search engines. For the most part this content does not need to be an expression of you, but instead informational content relevant to the product or services you are selling.

For example, I operate a CNC Machine Tool Repairs & Service company. To increase my search engine ranking I introduced a blog called ‘The Cutting Edge’ on the website. Here I feature posts about the industry that are likely to be commonly asked questions. I use Copy.Ai to generate some blog title ideas, then I use the app to generate entire blogs. I then read them through; rewrite the odd sentence myself; edit duplicate sentences; add a few links here and there and post. Then I use Midjourney to generate a copyright free image. Da-daaaa!

It takes me about 20 minutes to generate a new post. This would take me around 2-3 hours prior to tools such as this. In an hour I can generate 3 posts which is more than enough content to be posted a week on a blog like this.

Over the past 3 months or so I’ve spent no more than an hour a week posting blogs here, so around 12 hours of my time in total. In this time I have gone from third-page ranking on google for keywords associated with the service, to 1st page and with some keywords, top position. I’ve seen inquiries grow about 10 fold and have increased revenue from this business alone by around 500% in just 3 months.

That is twelve hours well spent!

As I said, this approach doesn’t work with all businesses. It wouldn’t work here at the People Empowerment Project. Our audience wants more personalised content, they want to know what we are thinking and what our perspective is – however, these tools still offer great assistance and allow us to scale to some degree.

I write a lot, whether it be for our newsletter, various websites, various books I’m working on, social media posts or email pitches and all too often I stumble into roadblocks. This can be struggling to simplify something I want to say, or expand on something that needs a little more detail. Other times I might use it to generate a higher converting email header. While this doesn’t allow me to pump out content massively faster, it does enable me to create better content and increase conversion rates.

The power of one has become greater than ever. Never before has a single person been able to create so much in such little time. One person can build an empire in weeks in the depths of their mothers basement.

Use these tools. It isn’t cheating, it isn’t disingenuous, it’s just a tool. People will misuse it, but it will be to their own detriment. Use it well and it can benefit you greatly allowing you to get better jobs, make better friends, build better businesses.

Over the next few years we will see other AI innovations which can alleviate some of our workload. My advice is this: if they positively affect the value you can offer your customers, use them. If they allow you to get a better job with a higher salary, use them. If they can give you more time to spend with your friends and family, use them.

The Future of AI 

Text to Language models and Text to Image models are currently what’s dominating the real-world use case in AI. But it doesn’t end here. This is just the beginning.

AI Trading 

AI Trading Bots have been around for some time. But they are not really AI, they are relatively primitive routines which look at a very limited number of variables specific to the trading asset.

Computing has revolutionised financial trading once, by enabling enormous numbers of calculations in a fraction of a second, and enabling traders to track markets that shift in light speed. AI trading systems are now  poised to foster a second wave of innovation in finance. This transformation will be the most significant in history.

Imagine if your AI trading bot looked at historical trading patterns of all assets and how each asset reacted relative to all the others. Imagine if it looked at how economic sentiment effected price action, and monitored ongoing geopolitical tensions of the past and present. By opening up these AI bots to the troves of data we have of the past that influence the markets, they will be able to predict market movements more accurately than ever before in real-time.

Of course, as these AI systems develop and become more and more adopted, the behaviour of markets will change dramatically. Artificial Intelligence will begin to react to its own interventions, which could lead to a pretty volatile trading environment.

Social Media Content Distribution

Social media has become the foundation of attention for the marketplace and personal brands. Anyone who is anyone trying to sell something successfully needs social media. There is an ever changing formula of what works best, and this is different on every platform and continually evolves. Market your brand correctly on each of the platforms and sales take care of themselves. Do it wrong, and you fall down into the pit of obscurity along with millions of others trying to make it big.

Well, AI will soon be helping us with this. As text to language models like ChatGPT evolve and AI visual optimization models develop, so will the third-party apps that utilise them. A single video post with text on Facebook, could be automatically optimised for each different social network and posted at the click of a button. Automatically splicing the video content into segments, creating youtube shorts with perfectly selected music and titles, distributing multiple tiktok videos from the single video piece and creating high converting tweets on Twitter.

Platforms like True Anthem are already offering a primitive form of this, giving content creators advanced analytics and automatic AI management of their social accounts. 

AI Personal Organizers

Our lives have changed dramatically over the past few decades. No longer is the norm to have a simple daily routine, life has become more complicated, much more complicated!

In times of old, it was commonplace for a family’s routine to consist of the father getting up and going to work in his 9 to 5 job. While the mother would fix breakfast, get the kids dressed and ready for school and send them on their way. Then she would take care of the home and get the  food ready for dinner. The kids would come home, the father would arrive home. Everyone would eat and settle down for the night ready to repeat the same very routine the next day. 

But these days, parents are both working multiple jobs, children are sometimes attending different schools or colleges, they are involved in a host of after-school activities. Parents also often go to the gym, dance, fitness clubs, morning swims or jogs. People are busy, and managing this can get complex.

AI organisation systems could help you to manage these busy routines much better while making sure you never miss a thing. It can also optimise your work methods based on your output. Do you work better in long shifts at one thing, or splitting things up into smaller segments? By monitoring what you do, when you do it and how efficiently you perform, AI can automatically rearrange tasks to improve efficiency and save you time. 

There are already platforms out there offering a basic form of this such as TrevorAi, but as with all of the current AI platforms, it is primitive and works from a very small set of variables. 

AI Business Management and Accounting

Artificial Intelligence will in time change how we manage our businesses. With a well trained AI monitoring everything in realtime, AI will be able to automate just about all of a businesses finances. From invoices management, to tax returns. But it could do far more than that. It could determine the most optimum time to have discounts in some product lines or services, it could create marketing emails and distribute them to the right people at the right time. 

The possibilities for just how much involvement AI could have over your business is almost endless. Allowing small business owners to scale up their businesses far quicker and more efficiently than ever before.

Imagine a complete suite of tools that just required you to enter the details of your business or service and your terms of services. Write a little about your mission statement and company ethos, add your financials and click. The platform generates a website offering your products in the most optimal way. All marketing could be managed entirely by the platform, in fact everything could be handled by AI, while you concentrate on the products or services you offer. Even the pricing could be left down to AI, adjusting automatically to best suit your business and the current state of the market.

Such software is nowhere to be found right now, but I suspect it won’t be long before we see attempts at this type of model.

The following video from Alex Hormozi is an excellent simplication of just how AI can be put to work for you. Remember, if you don’t do it, others will and you will be quickly pushed out of whatever industry your in. 

If you want to stay up to date with the latest innovations in technology, finance, cryptocurrency and learn how it can optimize your level of freedom and prosperity then you really should sign up to our Free Newsletter in the box below! ⬇️

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