Mass Formation and what to do about it?

by | Feb 5, 2022

The following is a summary of the following interview from Aubrey Marcus with Professor Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation.

After Dr. Robert Malone (The inventor of mRNA vaccines) mentioned on the Joe Rogan show that Mass Formation has been used by the Media  and governments worldwide. The Media and Tech conglomerates were very quick to try to deny even the existence of Mass Formation. You can read about that here and here.

In the interview (from Aubrey with Mattias), Prof Desmet lists the following conditions for Mass Formation:

  1. A lack of Social Bond: Aubrey:’ According to the National Survey from published in the American Sociological Review, 25% of people reported that they didn’t have a single close friend, not one, right? That’s a crazy thing. One out of four people didn’t have a single close friend. And then the 75 million adults aged 18 to 27, comprising the millennials and generation Z, were lonelier than any other US demographic. Which is wild to think. We think of like older generations being lonely, but it’s actually the younger generations reporting even more loneliness. Some psychologists say it’s a social media paradox. People are interacting online with their avatars, which isn’t their true self, so they’re not creating the intimacy of vulnerability that comes from shared experience. So as far as condition number one for mass formation, it’s inarguable that we are suffering a crisis of lack of community and lack of peace.’

2. People Experience Life as meaningless or senseless’: Mattias: ‘From this first condition follows the second one, which means that a lot of people experience life as meaningless or senseless. And, for instance, think about the phenomenon of the bullshit jobs. I don’t know if you’re familiar with this phenomenon.

Professor Graeber in Great Britain wrote a book about it, which was titled Bullshit Jobs, and he describes how research shows that when you ask people whether they think their job is meaningful, 50% of the people answered “not at all”. 50% feels that their job is not meaningful at all. That doesn’t mean anything to anyone. So a very nice example, I think strong condition.’

Aubry: ‘I also have another study that I was able to find it’s. A Gallup poll from 2012 polled people in 142 countries. 63% of respondents admitted to being so disengaged at work that they were sleepwalking through their work day, putting time but not passion into their work. 63% of people right’.

3. Free floating anxiety and free floating psychological discontent: Mattias: ‘And the third condition follows actually from the first two conditions’…. ‘Meaning that if you’re anxious of a lion, you know what you’re anxious for.

So the anxiety is connected to the mental representation or the mental image of a lion. But if people feel socially isolated and if they feel that their life has no meaning, then they are confronted with a kind of anxiety that is free floating. That means that it is not connected to a mental representation and with a lot of psychological discontent that is not connected with a mental representation’ . Signs of this we can see in the tremendous amount of anti-depressants people are consuming… And I would add other behaviours like alcoholism and other forms of ‘escapes’, like gaming, porn consumption etc…

4. Free floating frustration and aggression. Mattias: ‘So people should feel frustrated and feeling aggressive without also really knowing what the cause of the frustration and aggression is. And if these four conditions are fulfilled in society, then the population is in a mental state in which something very specific can happen. Meaning that, if under these conditions a narrative, a story is distributed through the mass media, indicating an object of anxiety, and at the same time providing a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then the following happens or might happen. All the free floating anxiety, free floating anxiety, which is extremely painful because it always threatens to turn into panic.

So all this free floating anxiety is attached to, connected to, the object of anxiety indicated in the narrative. And there is a huge willingness to participate in the strategy to deal with this object of anxiety because in this way, people feel that they can control their anxiety and their psychological discontent better.

So all this anxiety connects to the subject of anxiety, and there is a huge willingness to participate in the strategy and that leads up to something very specific. People suddenly feel connected again in a heroic struggle with the object of anxiety. So a new kind of solidarity, a new kind of social bond and a new kind of meaning making sense, making emerges in society. And that’s the reason why people follow the narrative, why people buy into the narrative and why they are willing to participate in this strategy, even if it is utterly absurd. Because the reason why they follow it has nothing to do with the fact that it is correct or accurate or scientific.’ ‘The reason why they buy into the narrative is because it leads to this new social bond. This new solidarity. People are social beings and being socially isolated is really painful.’

So I agree that all four of these conditions are currently being met, putting the majority of the population in a mental state that allows them to be essentially hypnotized.

So all this free floating anxiety is attached to, connected to, the object of anxiety indicated in the narrative. And there is a huge willingness to participate in the strategy to deal with this object of anxiety because in this way, people feel that they can control their anxiety and their psychological discontent better. So all this anxiety connects to the subject of anxiety, and there is a huge willingness to participate in the strategy and that leads up to something very specific. People suddenly feel connected again in a heroic struggle with the object of anxiety. So a new kind of solidarity, a new kind of social bond and a new kind of meaning emerges in society. And that’s the reason why people follow the narrative, why people buy into the narrative and why they are willing to participate in this strategy.“ – Professor Mattias Desmet

When asked what one can do about it. Professor Mattias Desmet had the following to share:

During mass formation, it may appear that everyone is as hypnotised as everyone else and that the ones who are not hypnotised are a very small group.

This, according to Mattias has been proven not to be true at all. There are mainly 3 groups. 1 is like 30% of the population which is totally under its spell, the second group is about 40% and somehow does realize it does not make sense but they go along for a while and the 3rd group another 30% Whois not affected (are merely) by the mass formation

So one part of the solution is to connect with the 2nd group who does ask questions. This means, the ‘dissident voices’ should continue to reach out and speak up. Since this 40% can then become one with the third group and become one and the mass formation ends. But, the risk is that the anger and free floating anxiety is directed towards the 3rd group. Therefore, we all have to realise, in my opinion, that it is not an option to stop speaking. We should continue to speak out. That’s the most important thing we can do.

I would recommend everyone to listen to the interview are read the transcript here, and then, share with questioning minds,  out of love, not fear.

Another suggestion Mattias gave somewhere in an interview, but I don’t remember anymore which one, is to talk not about the jab or no jab, but about the dangers of totalitarianism (find a bigger fear object, redirecting the attention there, while uniting the majority).

So basically, find common ground on a shared bigger fear. Take it from there, but keep on speaking up!

Also, I think this interview is too important not to watch are read in its entirety; it has much more valuable content than what I have summarised above. For example what the risk is if we silence ourselves… Or become victims of the second mass formation? Where one might think all liberals (lefties) are evil, and those who do not understand are merely sheep listening to reptiles…

Yes, the interview is more than an hour. If too long, just listen in bits.

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