There are a certain subset of people who spend their lives waiting for the great collapse, a financial disaster, the fall of the kingdom, and an end to society as we know it. I call these people Apocalyptic Optimists. I also call these people Naive. Typically...
PEP Blog
Anarchy vs. Chaos: Debunking the Myths and Misconceptions About Anarchist Ideology
anarchy; noun 1. a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems. 2. the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.Anarchism is a...
Bitcoin was Built for an Economic Meltdown
‘The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks’, the statement carved into the genesis block of the Bitcoin blockchain by Bitcoin’s still anonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. What was Satoshi Referring to? The quote was in reference to an...
Will CBDCs Really Enslave all of humanity?
Central Bank Digital Currencies have been all the talk for sometime within the alternative news and community groups. The greatest fear for many seems to be the traceability and control aspect that is associated with them. These currencies and the wallets that hold...
Psy-Ops: Psychological warfare on a population
Different entities plan Psychological Operations (PSY OPS). The goal is to convey selected information and indicators. With the intention to influence foreign audiences' emotions, motives and reasoning. This to change the behaviour of foreign governments,...
What Would a Wise Man Do?
All the self-help content in the world won’t make a blind bit of difference to your future prospects if you don't do this. The path to success and prosperity is not something that can be learnt. There are not actually ‘10 simple steps’ to reach your goals and be...
Stay Ahead of the Game: 4 Tips for Surviving Change
This is the second part of a two-part series. If you missed the first part, read it here Here is how we finished the first part: A new era sounds pretty dramatic, but really, it’s not, not really. With the pass of time, comes change, this is inevitable. Sometimes,...
A New Era
Whilst I was walking early this morning from my car to the office, with the cold damp fog swirling around me, the silence was almost deafening. Just a decade ago, this place, my home town, was a hive of activity, day, and night. By day the high street was a bustle...
The Beast From The East
The following theory is based upon a mix of historical known facts and my understanding, as well as my observational studies of people and the results of their interactions, both big and small. For us to provide the very best, most accurate prediction of where we are...
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