Whilst I was walking early this morning from my car to the office, with the cold damp fog swirling around me, the silence was almost deafening. Just a decade ago, this place, my home town, was a hive of activity, day, and night. By day the high street was a bustle with locals buying their fruits, vegetables and other local wares. By night the muffled sounds of music flowed accross the warm summer breeze from the dozen or so bars dotted around the town, occasionally bursting into clarity, just for a second, as the doors swung open before abruptly banging shut. That town has been dead for some time.
As a child, this town was my playground. Traffic was little, yet people were plenty. We’d spend many summer days exploring the surrounding farmland, the little nooks and cranny’s within the town itself. It was our domain, our safe-haven, our sanctuary. We had the freedom to discover and explore our own morality. There was no time for considering the future, the only thing that mattered to us was those moments in time.
But, alas, all this has come to pass. No more can young children freely roam the streets and the surrounding farmland that once seemed to stretch to the ends of the earth. No more can they bound out the door after breakfast and disappear into the magical realms they, and their fellow young cohorts create. These days are over, times have changed – The World Has Moved On….
Change is inevitable, but just because it is inevitable, does not mean it is for the better. Change has direction, just two. One path of change leads to something better, and the other leads to something worse, something inferior to what was.
The question right now is, which path are we on?
Now there’s a question, what path are we on? Well, it’s understandable that many believe we are entering a time of hardship, possibly extreme hardship and so could assume we are on a dark and dangerous path. But we should remember that all paths can be treacherous, and never more so than the path that leads to something great, something fantastic.
I believe this path is indeed a treacherous one, however I also believe the destination it leads too is something great and fantastic. The question is, will you survive the journey?
The Journey
Talk of the journey to come is of far more of use to us all than the destination we seek. The journey is where danger lurks and where many will be lost. The journey is where we will have to deal with sacrifice, hardship, and loss. The journey is where those necessary to create the destination are forged.
If we jump back to the time where little old me was now just 17, apprenticing in engineering, girlfriend in hand and ready to fly the family nest. A quick scout in the windows of the local newsagent found me my first flat, a four bedroomed place located in the town centre above a bakery. No credit checks required; no deposit; just a quick jaunt to the landlord’s office, a quick hello and chat and we were moving in the next day. £50 per week, yes, not a typo, £50 per week for a four bedroomed flat with kitchen, bathroom and living room to boot!
I afforded this on my apprenticeship wage. I also could afford to pay for my girlfriend at the time, attend university. I worked hard, but with hard work came reward. With hard work came a roof over our heads, food on the table and even some left over for partying.
If you are under the age of 30, you’re probably wondering what fairy tale this is I speak of. But sure enough, that was how it was. In fact, just to add more lunacy to this fairy-tale, a couple of years later, when I was around 20, I looked at buying a property. It was but a small one-bedroom flat, living room and kitchen, but at £15,000 it was within my grasp. I didn’t (regrettably) follow through with the purchase as the survey turned up a beetle infestation in the flat.
So, jump forward to now, twenty years or so later, and things are a little different to say the least. The four bedroomed flat I spoke of which I paid just £50 per week has been split into three separate flats, each with an asking rental price of £200 per week. Or, to get a real equivalent, £600 per week for the same space we had for just £50 twenty years ago. That is over a 10x on cost.
Similarly, the same flat we almost bought for £15,000 recently sold for £130,000. Not quite the 10x appreciation seen in the rental markets, but obscene nevertheless.
So let us look at wages, because all of this means very little if we fail to compare the rise in shelter costs to the rise in income.
The average weekly wage in the UK in 2002 was £390.90, in 2022, this figure sits at £601 per week. That’s an increase of 65% in the past 20 years.
Now you can probably see the obvious flaw in my comparison. The first data point is based on my personal experience of rental prices, and the second data point, wages, has been pulled from government recorded data.
I’ve done this because the historical rental data is flawed. It doesn’t take into account the excessive regulation that has come into play since the early 2000s. For example, 20 years ago you could chat with a guy in the pub, who happened to have a house to let, throw him some cash and move in the next day. No credit checks, no electric and gas certificates, no contracts, no minimum state of housing, no nothing. A simple arrangement between two people. This has all but ended now. These casual rental arrangements were not recorded in statistics and yet they made up a large part of the rental market. If we use official historical rental data in the UK, the increase between 2002 and 2022 sits at around 65%, the same as wages – but anyone who has lived that long knows these figures are a joke.
So, for this reason, we’ll look at house price increases instead. These figures I can pull directly from the UKs land registry data. The increases range from 200% to 500% in the past 20 years, and if you go back 25 years, there are increases of up to 1000% in house prices. I’m not going to share sources or actual data because I don’t need to – everyone knows it to be true. The cost of living has been blown out of the water, while wages have remained largely stagnant.
So, in twenty years, we have created an environment more dependent on the state than ever before. Even the middle-class rely on their fair share of government handouts in order to keep up with their own living expectations. Young adults have almost accepted that they’ll never be able to buy a place of their own. Living with your parents until late twenties or sharing a house with half a dozen other adults is now the expected norm for this generation.
Now you might say, this is because we now have a population of people with high expectations, unreasonable expectations in fact. And, you’d be right – but, what do you expect when every information stream from birth pumps these expectations into the minds of every person. ‘Go to school, get a job, buy a house, start a family….’.
We have a poverty scoring system which further embeds these expectations into people. Here in the UK, it is considered a state of poverty if a household heats their house solely with wood or coal. No central heating system and you must be poor. And, the people actually fell for this idea. Read any discussion about people starting to use their wood burners again for heating and you’ll see a barrage of people responding with their shock and horror that ‘it’s come to this’. ‘We are going back to the dark ages’ they say; ‘what has this country become’ they huff. Never mind that having the ability to heat your home and cook your food using wood removes any dependency on a third-party service such as electric or gas for survival. Never mind that it’s a cheaper and a more natural way to operate. No, it requires a little more effort than just pressing a button or setting a timer, therefor it must be bad. Oh, and don’t forget burning wood is bad for the environment (said no credible scientist, ever!).
The journey we have been taking for some time now has been one of devolution. While college and university grades have been rising, giving this false idea that somehow intelligence is on the rise – in reality, the opposite is true. People are being stupefied.
Through education, radio, television, mobile phones and other information streaming devices, there has been a ‘dumbing down’ of society. Most have been effectively put into a trance. Carefully programmed to perform the necessary tasks required of them to participate in society. Any signs that an individual is drifting away from the code and law and order comes along, tweaks the code and taps them back into line.
Never before in the history of the human species have we been so disconnected from our families and those within our local community, our tribe, whilst at the same time being more connected than ever to people and groups of people who they have never met and more often than not, want to control them. Whether to buy their products, use their services, follow their advice, look at the pictures, read their literature or listen to their news. Most, particularly the young, spend more time with these unknown, usually parasitic, often nefarious entities more than they do their parents, siblings or friends.
Millennials have been fed a false reality; they are being prepped for the utopian hell-hole that all the technocrats and elite types keep fantasizing over . If you think this all sounds like conspiratorial clap-trappery, remember that the likes of the World Economic Forum exist. Remember Klaus Schwab is not a James Bond villain or the bad guy in 1980s Schwarzenegger movies, his clothes are real, he actually dresses like that and whats even more frightening, PEOPLE TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY.
I mean who dresses like this?
Of course, it would be a little unfair of me to base the intentions of Mr Schwab purely on his attire. But look no further than the wet dreams being thought up by his infamous World Economic Forum.
They speak of a new world where everyone is equal, like literally equal. A world where you’ll ‘own nothing’ and ‘be happy’ about it. A world where your home isn’t your home at all, but a place for everyone.
By night a place where you sleep, and by day, a place where Eric, some dude you’ve never met, uses the same place as an office. A place where everyone of us is equal.
Everyone guaranteed they all receive the same experience of reality, without any deviation.
A world where words like ‘motivation’ and ‘incentive’ are but concepts, theorised by a few fringes breakaway groups living the ‘old ways’ 20 miles north of the city in god-forbidden 20th century wooden houses with back gardens. Is equality really the key to perfecting the human experience of every individual on earth?
I mean, if everyone experiences exactly the same dull and mundane existence, doing the same dull and mundane things, is anyone really happy?
How can positivity exist without negativity? There is no up, without down, or left without right. Love, and hate, two of the strongest emotions we feel, would become incomprehensible concepts lost only to ‘those we lost along the way’. Life for everyone would become monotone, singular, explicable, explicit and unambiguous and yes, you’d have ‘equality for all!’. But what purpose does our existence really have if, no matter what inputs you perform, the same outputs are produced?
‘What’s the meaning of life’? a question queried and pondered throughout human history, but a question never fully answered. The answer is simple, there isn’t one. Meaning is not a term built around a finitude with fixed inputs and outputs. If there were a single answer to this question that everyone could agree on, the term itself wouldn’t exist in the first place. It’s a paradox. There is no meaning, without no meaning.
Utopia is misunderstood by many. Most understand utopia as a human society that has reached its peak of perfection, ‘it just can’t get any better than this!’. What the word really means, is ‘nowhere’. A ‘no place’, basically something that cannot exist in reality. Much like meaning, utopia has no fixed point, therefore it has ‘no place’ and is ‘nowhere’. To exist it paradoxically cannot exist.
So……. with this in mind, when Klaus and his band of utopian friends mock up visions of a utopian future, they are either lying, or naïve. I suspect they are not naïve, mainly because I don’t believe these people to be stupid or ignorant people. Deranged, sociopathic, and without any moral compass, certainly – stupid, I’m doubtful.
Which means they are lying. If they are lying then there is an agenda at play and while not all agendas are built on lies, all lies are built on agendas. The agenda is clear, this is about absolute dominion. Dominion over you, your family and anyone else who isn’t sitting comfortably at the very tip of the global-centralized societal pyramid scheme. Equality for all, but a small few. Equal amounts of very little for us, and unequal amounts of abundance for them.
The good news is….
We don’t live in a finite reality and therefore the variables that create our experience are infinite. Reality is volatile, predictably unpredictable and unique, yet at the same time it must not be unique, for uniqueness requires a finite environment.
So, the path we take never ends, the journey has no final destination. While the WEF may begin to play out their dastardly plan for a while, and we could even see large populations living the ‘own nothing and be happy’ lives these twisted souls envisage, it isn’t sustainable, not for very long at least. The further away we get from good or evil, the stronger the pull gets from its opposing force. Eventually, it snaps back and overshoots. Everything has a tipping point.
I believe we are close to such a tipping point, where everything ‘snaps back’. And what we can do, in fact, all we can do is be ready to embrace it, and recalibrate ourselves ready for the change that is to come
A New Era….
A new era sounds pretty dramatic, but really, it’s not, not really. With the pass of time, comes change, this is inevitable. Sometimes, when the conditions are just right. When that pressure towards tipping point has finally reached the outer limits of the vacuum it’s confined too, a great change occurs. A change of such magnitude, that the mechanics of a society collapse and begin to rebuild themselves a new. How it gets rebuilt is entirely determined by the people within the society. We determine which parts of the old machine can be used to build the new one, and which ones should be thrown away.
When this happens, we call it more than just change, we call it a ‘new area’. What differentiates change from an era is how far removed the society is, from what it was.
So, the big question is, what will this new era be like, and how can we prepare?
Look out fot the second part of this article next month…